stlh sekian lame tak mengpublish post disini..baik sye bwat sblm nursyafira mengamuk habis-habisan..haha

1st thing that i want to say is:video di bwh ini sgt best..good job ra!! to dha2 anda tlh buat sye gilekn lgu itu!!sgt jelez ngan bdak comel tu..dia bleh maen drum!!!nk jgak..ra ble nk ajar sye maen drum..??jom gi jamming!!hahaha..

oke2 tutup cite yg merepek 2..jom2 kte open new story!!

bout the cite??erm our plan nk publish our novella then undi spe pnye pling best kat poll nnti..oke!!mahu join..??if nk hantarkn novella anda kpd fatinhanani or nursyafira di klas kami sblm tahon 2010..ahahaha =p ape2lh korang!!!!

**after this jgn la pelik plak klau tetibe je ade love story kat pon novella and myself pon bwat love story..hehe..kpd sape yg tak fhm ape itu novella,meh cni sye terangkan..novella itu a.k.a cerpen a.k.a cerita pendek a.k.a short story!!understand..??

yg ketandusan mood,



the leader said...

cousin sya nak join!

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