okeh today..,
agak fine sikit when he say..
okeh faidhi u mmg sudah success make us as ur games. ~
littlebit tired damn gler2 pnye .. the.. wht happen tadi ya?..
hah ! the pameran pendidikan tinggi ! oh i've not return tht badge lagi. oh pn.raji i'm sorry for tht!
later lah ye.. n i need to claim tht wang lah for tht mineral. again i talking about m0ney. yush sya !stop it..

okeh for whole day i guess we keep wasting time dihall utk tht kempen.!
manifesto btol. hihi.
tht,itu,ini till mamma mia strt babble.
oh mereka !

.. the him yg lagi satu..
juz donno wht happen he sungguh angry with me? i'm just guessing coz for whole two days he never say hai. !
oh? wht's wrong with u sya? i sangat2 concern bout tht knpe?
eh ; ske hati lah. non of ur bussiness. xske? okeh fine look at tht atas kotak yang ade :
.... http://bulanindahsummerkami.blogspot.com/...
then write ah pape disitu n bleh jalan.
oh him !
wht's wrong with u? please lah xyah lah angry2 like this. don't be childish please..
i'm just trying to be so chariness lah konon kan..
the classs is to hebat kalau we xfighting2 like this. kinda.

nanti pnye hal
- the fiza birthday !
- ask wht happen to him? maybe i'll text him later .
- the homework tht never terhapus.
- the hangout? no2.. no more okeh !
-n tht's what i remember saat ini !

i want to sleep
i want to take a shower
i want to hit the dinding'
i want to do itu dan ini.
i want to ask him ...

enough lah!
nak jengok my ms.!
sudah rindu amat .
haha.. ya2 i miss someone la.. someone yg i call .. "dia".
oh i'm sick with tht ~
done !
bye2 .
c u!
i nak tido !
haha.. gtg eat2.. :)

the leader
julieto diamo !
oh. !
donno why n what happen.
the faidhi keep quiet n he not
say hai pun for us, !

i'm not a perfectionist .
i'm just a person just like others..
so for fadihi.
please let us know wht make
u angry ?
actually .
about wht?
about tht kunci, about tht trophy?
oh bbe !

maybe it's not too serious utk dipublishkan.,
but this wht happen today..
n i'm almost die over here !
oh i'm starving gler n i feel mau faint !

oh no no no....
i'm alone at home right now.,
so please ....

done !
enough said .~

the leader
julieto diamo !

i on9 again today..
about 5 somethink. !
n i got a news from him..
nabil !

her : so nab ! cmne?
him : kalah la,.xde no.daerah hulu langat mnang,.
bengang ak,.skola maahd kjang.isyh..
her :

n then we ym2.. !
a lotstory kuar. ~
(sorry secreto diamo xleh publish)

tht's what happen just now..
n for them yg doakan mereka smlm. !
thanx a lot.
maybe takdir not for them last night ~
so for al-fawwas..
i tetap choose u all..
not them ..
for anyone yg nak tgk pemenangnye.,
sila visit youtube n taip dis .
"all for ummah peringkat kebangsaan !"

again !
thanx and bye2..

the leader
julieto diamo!

i opened my myspce. !
and alan give me a comment. ~
alan : weh ! doakan al-fawwas berjye !

sya : okeh ! blablabla.....

and for all the readers yg bce ini post.,
anda di kehendaki utk doakan
team nasyid kami itu !
so thanx didahulukan ~

arios amigos. ~
go al-fawwas ! u can do it !
the kami semua. !
actully i skrg sedang byk mood utk mengupdate blog.!
so i ask evryone bout cter2 happen kat skolah.,
then dha2 remind me about wht happen yestrday at
'physics lab!'
as usual..,
we enter the lab a little bit of late.!
nah ~ satu hal ktornk sudah cetuskan.,
then smue org dah nak start zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. when pnasiah itu strt her lesson.
suddnly our faidhi strt walk around the class after give a massage to me with his flower ..
ntah pape.!
guess wht.. guesslah ~
faidhi ikat addam n muhaimin yg sedang make their airliur basi!
how? - aduh ! agak susah mau explain how them ikat but damn much klakar..
n we keep laugh !
the dalang2 is : sam, who brought tht tali, (i guess!), the danny who cover line, the azlan who laugh n keep dummy konon2 dgr ape pn asiah ajar, the raziq who ... ape2lah !
thts what happen..
agak fun kalau korank tgk sndry!
coz ia sgt fun lah !

a warn!!

3:10 AM | 0 Comments

i opened my myspce yesterdy..
n i read this twice.
and i CNP this stuff..
not as a pep talk but just wanna to say tht ilyall.,
so tht u all akan undrstnd after reaad this too.!
so keep read please...

(Surat Dari Iblis)

(Surat ini akan membuat anda benar-benar berfikir)

(Sebenarnya surat ini hampir membuatku gila saat aku membacanya, tapi
aku harus forwardnya kerna catatan kecil dibawahnya)

Aku melihatmu kemarin, saat engkau memulai aktiviti harianmu.
Kau bangun tanpa sujud mengerjakan subuhmu
Bahkan kemudian, kau juga tidak mengucapkan "Bismillah" sebelum memulai
santapanmu, juga tidak sempat mengerjakan shalat Isha sebelum berangkat
ketempat tidurmu.Kau benar2 orang yang bersyukur, Aku menyukainya
Aku tak dapat mengungkapkan betapa senangnya aku melihatmu tidak
merubah cara hidupmu.Hai Bodoh, Kamu millikku.
Ingat, kau dan aku sudah bertahun-tahun bersama,
dan aku masih belum bisa benar2 mencintaimu .
Malah aku masih membencimu, kerana aku benci Allah.
Aku hanya menggunakanmu untuk membalas dendamku kepada Allah.
Dia sudah mencampakkan aku dari surga, dan aku akan tetap
memanfaatkanmu sepanjang masa untuk mebalaskannya
Kau lihat, ALLAH MENYAYANGIMU dan dia masih memiliki rencana-rencana
untukmu dihari depan.
Tapi kau sudah menyerahkan hidupmu padaku,
dan aku akan membuat kehidupanmu seperti neraka.
Sehingga kita bisa bersama dua kali dan ini akan menyakiti hati ALLAH
Aku benar-benar berterimakasih padamu, karena aku sudah menunjukkan
NYA siapa yang menjadi pengatur dalam hidupmu dalam masa2 yang kita
Kita nonton film 'porno' bersama, memaki orang, mencuri, berbohong,
makan sekenyang-kenyangya, bergosip, manghakimi orang, menghujam orang
belakang, tidak hormat pada orang tua ,
Tidak menghargai Masjid, berperilaku buruk.
TENTUNYA kau tak ingin meninggalkan ini begitu saja.
Ayuhlah, Hai Bodoh, kita terbakar bersama, selamanya.
Aku masih memiliki rencana2 hangat untuk kita.
Ini hanya merupakansurat penghargaanku untuk mu.
Aku ingin mengucapkan 'TERIMAKASIH' kerana sudah mengizinkanku
memanfaatkan hampir semua masa hidupmu.
Kamu memang sangat mudah dibodohi, aku menertawakanmu.
Saat kau tergoda berbuat dosa kamu menghadiahkan tawa.Dosa sudah mulai mewarnai hidupmu.
Kamu sudah 20 tahun lebih tua, dan sekarang aku perlu darah muda.
Jadi, pergi dan lanjutkanlah mengajarkan orang-orang muda bagaimana
berbuat dosa.
Yang perlu kau lakukan adalah merokok, mabuk-mabukan, berbohong,
bergosip, dan hiduplah se-egois mungkin.
Lakukan semua ini didepan anak-anak dan mereka akan menirunya.
Begitulah anak-anak .
Baiklah, aku persilakan kau bergerak sekarang.
Aku akan kembali beberapa detik lagi untuk menggoda mu lagi.
Jika kau cukup cerdas, kau akan lari sembunyi, dan bertaubat atas
dosa-dosamu.Dan hidup untuk Allah dengan sisa umurmu yang tinggal sedikit.
Memperingati orang bukan tabiatku, tapi diusiamu sekarang dan tetap
melakukan dosa, sepertinya memang agak aneh.
Jangan salah sangka, aku masih tetap membencimu.
Hanya saja kau harus menjadi orng tolol yang lebih baik dimata ALLAH.
Catatan : Jika kau benar2 menyayangiku , kau tak akan memberi surat ini
dengan siapapun..

excuseme. !
this letter is just a warn for all of us.,
careful. this earth are not ours!
this is what i and fatin tell u di skolah tadi.~
the leader
julieto diamo!

oke people.,
as the title. !
i can't describe anything actlly ~
juz fun kinda to write tht weird phase.
i just donno nak write ape kan .tapi mereka dikntin tadi keep babble., n OMG ! i hate tht grumblerlah.
blablabla... nothing intrsting but. one word make me "OH!".. word...,
before talk about tht.,
just mau cut cter jap.,
the al-fawwas.,
sudah bertolak utk tht nasyid competition!
where? - gombak !
when? -tadi lah ! 3 days there, fridy,saturdy n ahadlah !
spe ? - bdk2 nasyidlah xkan budak hoki plak.. aduyai..

okeh back to "gaduh" story !
i can't write ape2 actully coz i xbrpe nak tau kisah sbnar2nye.
juz wht i knew, addam and ikhwan
(the ustzh son!)
hve a little bit of problemo!
maybe bout their prefect stuff, or gf hal , or whtever!
nothing more can share here. juz itu.

oh damn tired lah actully!
hidhayatulathirah tadi dizzy plak!
the story strt when addam ask fiza utk ask hid bout the bus tickt,
n then.. fiza ask lah pada hid. n evrybody guess tht hid itu sedang sleep..
suddenly ~
the fiza screaming ! ..."weh!!! hid xsedar!"
hah amek kau.! evrybody begitu kucarkacir tadi...
thewater, thekipas, thetingkap. and all the2 keluar.!
and ayong bersuara ., like this ..
"weh! better ke 'bilikkesihtn'"
n then... we go therelah ....
along the way ke bilikksihtn yg sungguh jauh itu.,
hid faint plak. aduh!
dah lah juz i and fatin je disitu!
hah! amek kau..
thanksgod kami success ke sne.
huh! we keep ask tht pbsm..
"dah okeh ke blom?"
till tht pbsm keep mnympah n they said ! "donno!"
then we just sit beside her lah kan. then again fiza ask me !
"sya! dye ni tido ke ape?"
and i stand n ketuk tht hid!
" weh hid!kau hidop ke tak?"
n guess wht? she fainted again! aduh !
and we call tht pbsm .. and i rse mcm mau faint jgak when tht pbsm ask me !
" akak ! ape nak buat?!"
spe PBSM ! how can she ask me tht question? gilak lah!
n i say lah dgn inoccntnye.!
" ape kata simbah satu baldi air!"
n blablabla.......
this story sgt pnjg lah. sudah tired mnulis. .
so like tht lah. the lella dtg n say ! whthappen?
dah duduk kat bilikksihtn xkan nak maen bola kan!?
aduh soalan tu plak !
i dah lah pnat bleh plak tnye question tuH!
so tht's what happen today!
pnat sudah.,
mau tido. ~
c ya !

the leader
julieto diamo!

i'd better write something here.,
coz ameer pun sudah start babble.,
oh mereka !
juz keep2 babble all the time. ~

okeh what to say yah. ~
hah !
the parachute . ~
damn mucho fun lah. yesterdy lah i guess. !
sudah forgetlah bile kjadian itu happen. and i agak yestrday lah kot !
the mereka joined tht crazy kjadian. faidhi,sam,nabil,
n ramai lagilah.!
hardlah mau ingat sgalanye. (yg tiada nme,maaf !)
oh. ! all the team did a well sgt2 pnye krje.
no one kalah in this competition. except them yg xjoin . !
nyah ! amek kau ~
hik3.. so evryone lepaskan parachute mereka.
n here we go . evrything happen sgt smoothly ~
then. the winner !.,
as evrybody guess n know. the faidhi n teman2nye lah yg menang!
thenabil n.. (eh! spe sorank lagi team dye!?)
their parachute sgt jadi ! n paling lambt jatuh mereka lah jgak.,
n the sam !
their parachute bersalah pada mereka . guess wht? egg mereka pecah , pomm !
donno wht happen pada mereka pnye payung itu. ~
n blablabla.....
(sorry i xde any photo utk di publishkn!)

today !
wht ye??
nothing intrsting..
kami snap2 and dummy2 utk parachute
yg sudah berlalu itu. ~

tommorow. !
hah ~
our al-fawwas akan ke competition. ~
the peringkat "negeri" tuh !
so go2 al-fawwas.. we alwys sokong u all lah.
nab ! kne menang tau ~
the leader
julieto diamo !

18 april. !

12:49 AM | 0 Comments

sorry for a late post.
18 APRIL 2009
happy birthday .. ~afifi.. 5science4 !

picasa 3. !

12:52 AM | 0 Comments

i wasting my whole day infront my notebook.,
n nah ! ^picasa 3.. ~
donno why lah kan i ske2 nak publish ini. >
and this song keep playing in my mind..,
donno why!
the amalina. kedaluwarsa!

kau dan aku bersama mengejar..,
lelangit biru
purnama kejora menyilau, sinar mentari kita bertemu..,
kata warisan., nan lalu biar siapapun kamu,
biar apa kulitmu, sejati itu perlu..!
usah ! terkesima dikau pada lain bicara lidahmu,
panji gemilng terpaut padu, tumpah darah mengalir satu...

kedaluwarsa , bangsa merdeka,
pemacu wahana vital ampuh, teguh meniti waktu,
perpaduan kukuh, sisipan kalbu..
tangan berganding, langkah beriring,
gemersik bicara duduk disamping,
visi kudsi , lagunya satu...
wadah jati diri terpadu....

usah, bertanya apa kau mahu,
lakukan apa kau mampu,
pahatkan dihatimu,
perpaduan gamitan berpadu......

oh before i forgeyt lah kan!..,
happy birthday muhammadfareez !

thehair !

4:28 AM | 0 Comments

my mak invited me utk ke sallon..,
mau cut off my hair..!~
n i said..,
"oh my lovEly mak.,
i xmau lah cut my hair~"

ni smue korank r pnye pasal..,
spe soh ckap kat my mak yg hair ku sudah .,
xmau lah.. ^
sudah !

sorry yah!.
tadi dha2 soh i post about bm..,
evryone keep buzy with their own novella!..
berkerut2 dahi smue ..,
nak cari ilham..
k dha2..,
enougH saId..!
the leader
julieto diamo.!
okeh today..,
still kecoh with that WEIrD gurl issues..~
oh.. !
malas mau post about that lah..,
actually mau cter about our ,
"UMmi" ..>
mereka yg ckap i juz say eia only k>
damn much funny lah tadi !

ini dialogue tadi ~
uMmi : saya ada cakapkn kite akn bwat ujian hari ni.!
seluruh sc2 : mne ade..,
NUra : cikgu xmasok klas !
Fadihi : mne ade.,
addam : xdek lah..,
umMi : yeke?
seluruH sc2 : btol.!
NuRa : cikgu mcm mne tarian?
uMmi : (with a smile on her face!) okeh lah .,
addam : dapat no brpe?
uMmi : no4
raziQin : dari?
UmMi : 14. !
selUruh sc2 : wah!n clap! (sambil buat muke!)
addam : dekat mne?
umMi : shah alam !
raziqin : weh tnye byk2 soalan lagi..!
and evrybody keep ask,ask n ask the questiano!.
amek kau..,
sgale pujian kluar., n uMmi said akhirnye. ~
"kite akan buat ujian lain kali lah!"
n dye sempat ckap..,
nanty kirim salam pada nabil yeh!.

and then..,
fatin bangun !
n evrybody sudah bersiap sedia utk..,
n she keep smile along the way to bilikguru!
n that so fun kinda..
( all this story is just for fun..,
do not take it so hard yah!
n all the character is only juz like what i ingat!.)
the leader,
julieto diamo.!
bad day..,
ehem2 for them..,
not for us..
kami sgt fine aje..

pn marani..,
absent again..,
n our class huru hara..~
besa lah tu..>
n suddnly nabil say..
"faidhI pegi tulis nme org yg ckap!"
n u know what..,
evryone keep diam..,
good job faidhi!~
first kesalahn.,
hidayatul _xdek bontot !
second .., syafira _ KECOH !
oh sgt jahat mereka.., my nme plak kluar!

erm.., okeh then physics..!
no body can learn 'tenang'ly!
coz englsh week've their sing competition!
n blablabla..

after that bi..,
faidhi n her!
n kami ..,

yell2.., koyak2..,
n ofcourse laugh!
itu penting.~

a person yg sgt weird..,
org tolong but she refused utk itu..,
bad kan?
tau lah kau kaya..,
xyah nak menunjuk!.,
bleh blah!
n we take our LEPASGERAM book..,
n amek kau.>!
we write a lotofthing on that beautiful book..!~
argh sgt berkesan?.
n evryone keep babling
about that weird gurl till the lesson finish.,
n till kami smue ckap..~

okeh done..,
xdek mood utk tulis lagi..>
the leader
julieto diamo!

bm week..!

12:13 AM | 0 Comments

the kami ..,
the nabil.,
the addam.,
the mrs.rashidah!

the nab n sya.!
okeh fine!
(show off., memang
so what!)

from left :
afiq,addam,akk bella,azlan n
ofcourse the faidhi !

ini cndit!
all that day..~

sorry for a little bit of late
publish this hal..~

okeh the story begin..,
i think tin2 sudah start write about
this week..,
i guess lah>!
but okeh fine..,
i juz love to repeat again..~
bm week..,
sgt fun kinda..!
... the video from
dis say.~
tapi i malas lah nak upload.
so just forget it ..>
the leader
julieto diamo!
the faidhi..>
(tok dalik!)
and there was azlan n nabil ..
who the one yang
be "PUTERA" gunungledang!
agak kelam kabut coz sudah lambat.,
n we be the lucky number one..,
utk presnt!
sgt pening that time!~

the azlan !

when ye..>
oh yesterday..!
the theater..
OMG !we did it lah korank..,
kami dapat task ,dah lme actuallybut
evryone seem so buzy dgn explorace..
so we keep postpone this
theater hal!
n nah!friday..,
mrs aidal..
suruh jgak ktornk join this competition..!
n we just blablabla..,
n amek kau !
PGL keluar..!


and here..>
i publishkan watak2 nye :
  • nabil as PGL
  • the leader as puteri lipor
  • fatin as puteri kijah
  • faidhi as tok dalik
  • adam as hulubalang n ayahanda puteri lipor (1)
  • azlan as hulubalang (2)
  • raziqin as hulubalang (3)
  • farah adilah as dayang (1)
  • syahidah as dayang (2)
  • washifa as dayang (3)
  • fiza as permaisuri saloma n dayang (4)
  • huda as GADISlitar!
  • amalina as the music manager!
but not too bad lah kan..,
just for brpe hour we design our theater..,
dgn fussy2 nye..,
n at last kami menang at second place..
kire okeh lah.>!
bkn nak masok sgt just nak happykan mrs aidal ...

the video.>!
coming soon.. ~
i tgh try nak uploadnye..
god willing akan adelah videonye.>!~

the leader
julieto diamo!

very2 good news especially for 5 science 2 students!!

Pn Marani our chemistry teacher dah start smile and laught together2 with us!!

wah sgt best..haha =p

"ha dah pandai tak payah lg saya ajar lpas ni"sambil mengukir senyuman sampai ke telinga.. peristiwa bersejarah ini terjadi pada 08.04.09  =)

bukan senang nk tgk cikgu like that!!heee x)

and kami sgt2 happy that time!!!

sincerely by,


yesterday we've bowling tournament for BAHASA MELAYU's WEEK at ioi mall(tmpat biase ar mne lg..haha)

the girls tak maen but the boys je yang maen..addam,faidhi and fakhri.they're one team..kami yg lain just bg support.ameer,luqman and zarif pula another team..oh there's another one team from our group..zaim,mint and mint's gf.ouh mereka just fighting2 disana..unfortunately,nasib tak menyebelahi mereka,but its okey kami still bleh enjoy!!!

with Pn.Mahani tersayang =)



tintin(si tukang amik gmba)

after changing the cloth(baru glam ckit..)

the teachers!!

sincerely by,


johan nasyid petaling perdana

video by muhammadnabilbinothman!'
here we go !

the leader
julieto diamo!
here we go..,
the photos..
picca from muhdazlan.!
thx ya azlan ~

this is what he get..,
this morning!~

the pengetua!...........
just them i know..
yg laen..,
sorry i donno nme2 u all!
just look there k>!
dornk macam menang segalanye..,
bolot smue..,
ske ati r..

go2 al-fawwas!~

the leader
julieto diamo!

snap from that day..!
sorry for a late post of
the photo.,

tin2 a little bit of late ..,

so nah!

kalau nak upload satu2
sampai esok pun xselesai..,
so mcm ni lah
better n more senang!

and there it go..,
so perfectly!!
bowling time...>

stop babling..,
i sudah update blog..!~

the leader
julieto diamo!


2:00 AM | 0 Comments

yesterdy.. !
we've our recording at STUDIO.
sgt funny..,
damn lah fun tau..>
laugh all the time..

them buzy utk sang all the song.,
n kami keep buzy snap2..
(atfer sing a song lah!)
teachers : pn.mahani,pn.rashidah,
(video ..
sedang cuba!)
just waitlah ye..>
the leader
julieto diamo!
thanks god..,
our al-fawwas menang.
in nasyid competition di..,
ppd, shah alam..,

oh mereka.!
azlan told me :
"kteorang gi sambut kemenangan nasyid ar.
gempak doe. johan nasyid,
lgu n lirik tbaek.,
n solo nasyid tbaek..(ourszz nabilothaman!)
pergh., mmg tbaek dr ladang!"

ustzah for sure will proud utk them..,
xsia2 yg dornk prctise utk whole day..,
alot story i heard yesterdy..>
but whtevr..~
mereka dah menang...
that's what we know..,
n what we want to know..!

i've told u yestrday right..!
so congrats 4 them again..
we loveu al-fawwas!

the leader
julieto diamo!

love this song so mucho!!!
xske blah!

ya yesterday is april fool day..so what..??haha

all students in sc2 da kene april fool yesterday by muhammadaddamdaud and the geng..sgtlah best!!the story started at physic lab when that boy told me something.."Fatin,cikgu Parasakty srh bwat esei sej bab 5 no 1 & 2 antar esok sekali dgn bab 4"..lbih kurang camtu ar(dgn muke innocent plak tue)..hehe..then that Fatin tu plak dgn senang hatinya memberitahu kpd semua org perkara itu.

"Ha biar btol yg haritu pnye pon tak siap lagi..."

"cikgu ni ape ar tak abih ajar bab 4 lg da soh bwat bab 5..."

itula antara respon mereka..actually bnyk lg and x psl2 sume mengata mcm2.

and the next day suddently they told me that thing just april fool..(sye tak tahu how they told them bout this bcoz sye tiada di tempat kejadian)

after recess semua mengamuk especially 'that girl'..hahaha..nsib baek sye tak buat that esei.

whateverlah..BTW, its still fun and 'sekali sekala tidak mengapa'

**mereka sgt pandai berlakon..good job bro!!


 ** sincerely by,


smue readers keep babling dah..,
so marilah kte update blog.>~

last monday..,
what happen ye??
(oh please let me ingat evrything cpat2!)

~khidmat msyrkat!
~ioi hang out..>
yah !
n blablabla....

from vista,
we siapkan our khidmat msyrkt!
dummy je!
(abg office tuh sgt hensem!)

take a cab ke ioi..,
kami naik cab lah!

arrive sne almost 12 somethink..,
terus ke toilet..,
as usual..>
n somethink kebabom happen..
our faidhisyahmi...~

dye turut masuk ke dlm lane brsme bowl ball itu..
n nabil said ..,
: "faidhi tibe2 hilang!"
n after that MCD!
bukan kami lah..,
tapi mereka..,
kami just sit there n snap2..!
itu sahaja.. nah!

that's all dlu..,
pic coming soon!~
tin2 x upload pic lagi>>
so just wait lah..~
the leader.
julieto diamo!