the past tuesday. the reunion going smoothly. thanks god! even the wheather
doesn't seem to support us. but it's fine ape. xlah panas kan. thanks for those yang sudi datang.
i'm not expect for that kind punya sambutan kan. tu sebab lah dah pukul 2 baru i ready2 pegi management utk booked tmpt.
and bile dah menjelang (chewah menjelang tuuu) malam2 sikit, ramai plak. oh! touched weyh touched!
for those yang xsempat datang, xpe korank xpe. korank tgk je lah. i let the photo tell the stories. :')
"..Goodbyes are not forever.i'm not expect for that kind punya sambutan kan. tu sebab lah dah pukul 2 baru i ready2 pegi management utk booked tmpt.
and bile dah menjelang (chewah menjelang tuuu) malam2 sikit, ramai plak. oh! touched weyh touched!
for those yang xsempat datang, xpe korank xpe. korank tgk je lah. i let the photo tell the stories. :')
Goodbyes are not the end.They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!.."
bila siang jadi malam korank ingat bnde nie? each day, twice a day i looked at the pool.
looking for a kenangan yang korank buat kat sane. looked at the moment we spend a night together. with smile and tears, i do miss u guys. lol!
.farah aini sofea.
thanks for raziqin kerana bertungkus lumus berada bersme dengan bara-bara api ni.
kalau dia xdek spe lah nak jge bnde tu. smue tau makan je. hehe., :D
nabil yang cakap kepenatan tu pun xlepas kan peluang. lepas ni mne nak datang vista millenium dah kan. so then, xpe la korank. kenangan ade kan at least?
more picture on facebook guys! it takes lots of hours to publish this.
because of the photo. sorry for lots gmbr nabil. gmbr dia byk kot dlm ni. spe yg tangkap byk2 gmbr budak matriks ni? hehe., sorry nab! lek lek. cool. :D
love,nur syafira.
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